
The feeling inside

I have this feeling, that God is about to change my life, I do not know,  I may as well be wrong, But the feeling inside is so strong  As I stand my ground, Like a martyr’s monument  I seek a Devine sound that may come at any moment   In His sounding joy, God has bestowed Blessings beyond, for me have been stored, Marvelling to his amazing grace,  I ask the Lord of peace; “ my Father, what is it  that you cannot forgive,  for my transgressions  reach your mighty sit? “ As gentle as my innermost feel, In a soothing whisper embraced with healing, My God always answers; “ I can not change my plans, Because of your howlers” I have been reassured, And absolutely convinced, ‘that neither death nor life, neither messenger of heaven, nor monarchy of earth, neither a power from on high,  nor a power from below, Neither what happens today nor tomorrow, good or bad, has any power, to separate us from the love of God.’ I have been lost, for now I am foun...

The splendid commission

God gives you what you need to do his work, way before he assigns you and commissions you to do his work. He gives you the tools before you even know your mission. Everything you need to do God’s work, you already have. Quite often When God tells you stuff to do, you do it but you can’t tell anyone about it because you also don’t understand why God made you do what you did. You’re embarrassed to tell people because you think they will think you’ve lost it.   When God wants to use you for his plans, he takes you away. He pulls you out of an environment you have  manipulated to accommodate your lifestyle. He quiets the noises that block you from hearing his voice.He takes you back at the beginning, for you are now something new, a weapon of His choosing.  You become a stranger to yourself and others, and everyday you awake, you battle between who you think you are and what God knows your God takes care of his own, you begin to realise, that every beginning comes fro...

Extracted from "THE ZONG SURVIVER" by BantuCHK

My memory servers well, in truth, none of us who were there could forget the theatricals that enrolled on that faithful summer day. I was almost eighteen winters, a few more weeks to my first marriage.  Never before or since that time did my people, the Great Bantu clan gather in such hordes of numbers. Our camp on the uMhlathuze Hill stretched three kilometres along the river —seven great Amasango (camp circles), each, a yard across, with thousands of Bantu Amabutfo (warriors) and their families. In that long-ago time, none of my people knew more than a thousand numbers. We believed no honest man needed to know more than that many.  There was my own tribe, the Swati. There were our cousins, the Zulu, the Ndebele, the Xhosa, the Tswana, the Griqua and the BaPedi all our Seven Nguni Fires. There were many of our eastern relatives, too -- the Tsonga and the Shangaan. And our kinsmen from the North were there -- the Shona and the Ndebele. Our friends and allies the Khoi San we...

Sowers and reapers

  We seldom think about ‘what God wants of us’. We know that He wants us to do his will, but what does he want of us to become? In the book of John4:34, when his disciples were showing concern about Jesus not having eaten anything all day, he answered “ my nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing his work.” Jesus was explaining in simple terms what we are all here to do, the will of God. And he goes on to add one more thing, ‘finish his work’. So basically, we are all here for two things,      1. To do the will of God    2. To finish His work. ‘Doing the will of God’ seems like a basic instruction, it simply means following the light, embracing the light as good, and doing good, which means Love. But then the second instruction is to ‘finish his work’. What work is he talking about? Finish how? Who started? These are questions we battle with every day, we wake up not knowing our true purposes, and waste a day of goodness ...

The beauty of the Story

In a soccer stadium, with 94 000 in attendance, there are Over 94 000 stories to be told, for each one in attendance, has a unique special point of view, that is shared with himself alone.   The game may be played just for 90 minutes, but the story of the day is eternal, with so many words,It could fill a library. I like to think myself as a writer who tells about the least of them all, the one not considered in the event, like the janitor, the security guard, the kid who didn’t even know the sport existed.   Those are the special kind of stories, because these guys are in the event for a totally different reason compared to those who for them, is a leisurely event. For these guys it is something more, they have to be there, and most interesting, it is the story behind, the background, the reason why they had to be there. The kid is there simply because his parents love soccer, he could have been any kid in the world, but he is one with soccer loving parents who have taken him...